Customized Services
Your dedicated point of contact Ensures
Medication and Paperwork are Packed According to your Needs.
Every Provider has a dedicated Account Manager who provides personalized services and is always available. Each Account Manager commits to the following services:

Receives, processes, and bills all new prescriptions, refill requests, and signed Physicians order forms.
- Fields all questions from Provider staff and involves Pharmacists as necessary.
- Proactively reaches out to Provider and physician’s office before a patient uses up prescription refills, thus avoiding service interruptions.
- Communicates any issues to the Provider before the monthly billing statement arrives. The account manager strives to contain costs for the Provider.
- Keeps Provider staff informed of prior authorizations. ALCO contacts prescribers and follows up to avoid any service disruption.
- Copies Provider medical staff via email on electronic prescription information coming from physician offices or clinics.
- Oversees printing and delivery of all paperwork – including customized PMOF and MAR and unique control sheets for the dispensing of controlled narcotics.
- Educates Provider staff on ALCO’s processes and incorporates the Provider's specific needs into our flexible framework of operations.
- Addresses all requests to split medication orders whenever an individual requires additional cards for travel, day programs, etc.
- Partners with Provider on home-specific preferences for packing medications to accommodate the house’s needs, such as sending certain injectables to the psychiatric clinic.
- Follows up with insurance companies and physicians to resolve billing issues.
On-site technicians carefully pack all prescriptions by hand in blister packs or according to the Provider’s specific needs. We also provide a wide range of creams, lotions, eye and ear drops, nose sprays, enteral nutritional drinks (such as puddings, liquids, and thickeners), and OTC items. We also provide disposable medical supplies, such as diabetic testing supplies, incontinence needs, gloves, medical cups, syringes, and sharps containers.